Should you have protein before or after a workout?
Good question. The answer is simple – both.
You need to eat a combination of protein and carbs at least 1-2 hours prior to a workout so your body can train efficiently. Then again eat after a workout protein and carbs within 40-60 mins.
However, when is the best time to eat protein really depends on lots of different factors. Those factors would depend on the activities you are doing (ie building muscle, strength training) the duration of your workout, the intensity, and what kind of exerciser you are – weekend warrior, general health and wellness or an elite athlete.
How much protein should you eat after a workout?
This can depend on your body mass, however, for most people having a scoop of whey protein powder in some water and a banana (carb) or a protein shake is an easy and great way to get a post workout snack.
How important is post workout protein?
Your protein intake is very important. Plus adding some carbs like a banana or blueberries will replenish the energy you have just used a lot quicker. You have just done a hard workout and you need something to help you recover, repair and build your muscles. Think of it like fuelling your body to work efficiently.
What does protein do after a workout?
Protein is made up of amino acids which are the building blocks for your muscles. In other words it is the food to feed your muscles to help them recover and repair.
How long after a workout should you take protein?
Ideally with 40-60 mins of working out. Your body not only needs protein but it needs carbs too. Together they will replenish your glycogen stores to aid your body to recover, repair and build muscle.
Protein is found in a variety of foods, and having a balance of plant-based and animal proteins in your diet is essential for good well-being.
Here are some ideas on balancing your meal with protein;
- Include Quinoa to Your Salad: Quinoa contains more protein than carbs. Cooking quinoa is exceptionally simple (just like rice) and once cooked, you can keep it in the fridge to add to your meal at any time.
- Eat Eggs: Eggs are like mini vitamin pills that are so versatile, inexpensive, easy to prepare and filled with protein. Short on time every morning? Well, you can boil some eggs the previous night to take to work the next day.
- Add Natural Yogurt to Your Cereal: Breakfast grains are commonly high in refined sugars and lacking in protein. To boost the nutrient content, include a bit of natural yoghurt and sprinkle some ground nuts and seeds on your breakfast.
- Snack on Nuts and Seeds: These little jewels are high in protein and fats and are easy to carry with you anywhere you go.
- Pump Up Your Smoothie: Let’s be honest; smoothies are very popular right now. They are an excellent way to get loads of nutrients into just one glass. Nonetheless, they frequently need a good amount of protein. Get hold of a good quality whey protein powder to enhance your smoothie’s protein content and keep you filled for a longer amount of time.
- Prepare a Super Salad: Sprinkle nuts and seeds on your plate of salad for additional flavour, crunch, and protein.
- Add Tuna to your meal: In case you don’t always have the time to prepare an elaborate meal and the only thing you can do is to get a green salad for lunch, well, you should go to a grocery store and get a tin of high quality tuna. Tuna is fully packed with protein and fats and will transform your lunch into a meal that will get you through the rest of the day.
- Plan ahead: The key to a good meal is planning. Do extensive shopping and plan your meals. This will keep you from settling for poor food choices that are inadequate in nutrients.
Following some of these straightforward ideas can enhance your energy levels, keep you fuller for longer periods and decrease your craving for sweet, processed foods.