Derek Baldwin
“Maria helped me create an exercise regimen to go with the eating plan, and coached me every step of the way, just being there for support, or to answer questions when I needed.”
I hadn’t weighed myself in several years, so when I went to the doctor for the first time, and he did all the processing for a new patient I was amazed to see I was 178kg. I never imagined I was so heavy, it was more than most motorbikes.
I met Maria and she was very helpful, taught me a lot about nutrition and proper eating habits, having meals at the right times and the right kinds of foods. She helped me create an exercise regimen to go with the eating plan, and coached me every step of the way, just being there for support, or to answer questions when I needed.
During my working with Maria I lost over 50kg, and learnt so much to help me keep it off and get fitter, leaner and healthier in general.
Thanks for all your hard work and help Maria, I have fond memories of the beach to basin we did, probably one of the first times since I was a child that I actually enjoyed running!



Nigel Caughey
“Maria took it back to basics, listening carefully to what I was after and rebuilt me. Her ability to rebalance my body, strengthen weak areas, whilst building the flexibility and agility along with core strength I was after has really impressed me.”
I’m 49 and have had 4 personal trainers over the last four years. Maria adds another dimension, she is passionate about fitness, working tirelessly to understand the technicalities of training and it’s impact.
My key goal was deceptively simple, I wanted to race Enduro, involving up to 5 hours dirt bike riding. Maria took it back to basics, listening carefully to what I was after and rebuilt me. Her ability to rebalance my body, strengthen weak areas, whilst building the flexibility and agility along with core strength I was after has really impressed me.
Maria is very deceptive, she balances a one hour session very cleverly, minimising repetition and balancing work and recovery to maintain a workout that is exhausting at the end. The results are impressive, no more constant injury niggles, my riding has improved and the enjoyment as well. Thanks Maria, it’s much appreciated.



Yumiko Matsuzakaya
“Maria will help anyone who wants to make changes in life. No matter how small or how big the goal is. She is here to walk the journey with you.”
Maria is an amazing personal trainer. She is a role model athlete who trains hard, promotes healthy and active living and a positive attitude in life.
Maria helps us whole heartedly to achieve goals. She understands what is like to go through difficult times. I admire and get inspired by her absolute positive and strong attitude. She reminds me that power of the mind and self-belief can help in achieving goals.
Maria will help anyone who wants to make changes in life. No matter how small or how big the goal is. She is here to walk the journey with you.



Vania Mears
“Maria matched me every step of the way with a commitment to me. Always there, interested, on time with a game plan and ready to go with enough energy for the both of us.”
Maria has been a huge part of my life for a good six years. I’m an “all or nothing” sort of girl so Maria had her hands full reigning me in and keeping my training safe, understanding my boundaries when I did not. she turned my weaknesses into my strengths and when my life took twists and turns she adapted to my lifestyle and needs. Consistent but ever changing and moulding and keeping me on my toes.
I’ve learnt to trust Maria when it comes to her nutritional planning and advice, a healthy eating lifestyle that’s sustainable and enjoyable for the whole family. Who knew!
I fell into training with Maria, it wasn’t something I had thought through and planned, but once I make a commitment I’m in all the way. Maria matched me every step of the way with a commitment to me. Always there, interested, on time with a game plan and ready to go with enough energy for the both of us. Training with Maria is a life experience in a world that is ever changing. She’s been a lifesaver for me and I can’t imagine her not being a part of my life.
Vania Mears – Massage Therapist

Kimberly Shadbolt
“I did Maria’s 12 week challenge back in 2017 and it was the best program ever”
The meal plan was easy to follow and never felt hungry. The workouts were enjoyable and I still use Maria’s plans to this day. If you are looking to lose weight or just want to get fit and healthy then Maria’s 12 week challenge is the way to go. You certainly won’t regret it and it certainly gave me back my confidence that I lost. It gave me the boost I needed and it’s great knowing that she is there for you as she is so supportive and caring about you and what you want to achieve. Highly recommend you wont be disappointed and it’s fun.