Abs on Fire

You want to work on defining your ab muscles so that they are stronger and more visible? Chances are you are going about it the wrong way!

Obviously you want to be doing some resistance training that targets the area of your core.  If you are the kind of person that tends to carry around a little extra insulation, endurance or HIIT training are particularly important, as is ensuring you eat a healthy and balance diet.  Yet where most people go wrong is that they use a couple of ab focused exercises and just stick with those.

Here is the surprising thing, the well-known “sit-up” isn’t your abs best friend like many people believe.  There is no doubt that the sit-up has its place and can be an incredibly effect tool for making your abs temporarily appear more prominent.  However they can also place unnecessary strain on your lower back and hips.  If you are working on ab muscles that haven’t yet become visible, there are some other more rounded exercises that will not only be more effective in revealing your abs, but will also provide a safer and more all-rounded core strengthening workout.

Here are 5 ab focused exercises that require no equipment and can be done anytime, anywhere!


This isometric core strengthening exercise not only targets your abs but at the same time targets your upper and lower body so it is a great full body workout.  It will help improve your flexibility and posture if performed regularly.

Your goal is to increase the length of time you can hold the plank.

Side plank

Much like a normal plank, the side plank will help you develop a striking set of abs while strengthen your sides and deep abdominal muscles building functional core strength.

Bicycle crunch

The bicycle crunch is a fantastic way of targeting your abs and at the same time working both your internal and external obliques.

The movement is similar to pedalling a bicycle.  Be careful to not pull on your head with your arms and strain your neck.

Double leg raises

This is another great way of targeting your lower abs.

Pike Crunch or V-Ups

Another beauty that will simultaneously work your abs and back muscles, giving you an overall core workout.